"Yes we can"
After having sushi at our favorite local spot, we went for a walk around the city. Everyone was celebrating the Obama victory and a small mass of people began to gather. There was a group of people drumming, so naturally we were having a good time groovin' to the beat. We decided to join the newly formed parade. It quickly grew into several thousand as we marched around downtown Portland. I gotta say this is the first time I truly felt "American" and it gave me a sense of pride on so many levels. There were all walks of life in the parade: all races, all ages, and all economic levels. It was a great example of the cross-section of America. And everyone was dancing in the streets to the beat of the drums. The only thing that would have been better is if we were still back in Chicago celebrating with our new president firsthand in Grant Park.
After having sushi at our favorite local spot, we went for a walk around the city. Everyone was celebrating the Obama victory and a small mass of people began to gather. There was a group of people drumming, so naturally we were having a good time groovin' to the beat. We decided to join the newly formed parade. It quickly grew into several thousand as we marched around downtown Portland. I gotta say this is the first time I truly felt "American" and it gave me a sense of pride on so many levels. There were all walks of life in the parade: all races, all ages, and all economic levels. It was a great example of the cross-section of America. And everyone was dancing in the streets to the beat of the drums. The only thing that would have been better is if we were still back in Chicago celebrating with our new president firsthand in Grant Park.

Rally at Pioneer Square
What an amazing and memorable moment in history!
Obama's a Marxist, not an American.....
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