OK, any place of business with a pirate out front gets my attention and is worth my time. And when it is a SKELETON pirate, well, my friends, it is irresistable!

Stepping inside reveals a basement setup with 3-D blacklight minigolf. Does it get any better than this? (I apologize for the poor pic quality....they were taken on my iPhone, which does not have a flash.) I was grossly unprepared for this adventure, but sometimes in life you gotta roll with the punches! So down the stairs we go...

I am not sure what inspired this place.....but it is AWESOME. The pirate theme permeates the place. They even have fluorescent balls.

Splurging the extra $1.00 for the 3D glasses is probably the best investment one can make these days. They actually did a good job of putting 3D stuff everywhere on the walls. After the first hole we all decided that the 3D effects definitely hinder gameplay (totally messes with your depth perception when hitting the ball) so we immediately mandated that everyone wear them for the remainder of our excursion to the links.
Hey--you guys are the best hosts ever! If you had a listing on Trip Advisor, I'd totally recommend that everyone come stay with you. The free all-you-can-eat hot breakfast and coffee bar was particularly nice. =P
I LOVE the glasses, hahahaha.
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