I traveled with Emily to San Francisco for her weekend of MBA classes. She went to class while I got to have fun visiting with family. :)
We stayed with our cousins Danny and Renee (and their two adorable girls Naomi and Nina). Emily arrived on Thursday night so that she would be ready for her early classes on Friday. I flew in after work on Friday to join Emily and her classmates just in time for dinner in downtown SF. On Saturday, Emily went to class and Renee had to work, so Danny and I took the girls out for a little walk at Lands End. For being early December, the weather was amazing: 55 degrees and hardly a cloud in the sky! It's nice to be able to walk around in the winter with a mere sweatshirt. Sorry Midwestern people...I just don't miss those winters (if I want to enjoy snow, I can just go to the mountains).

On Sunday, we all went to watch Naomi's dance recital. Afterwards, we grabbed some lunch and hung out at home with the girls. We got them a Play-dough set for Christmas:

Of course the trip was not complete without some famous San Tung wings, so we ordered take-out and munched them down before having to leave for the airport. Our trip was ever so brief, and we were back home in Portland on Sunday night so that we could face the real world on Monday morning.
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