I decided to tag along with Em to San Fran for her October MBA classes. It was nice getting to meet her classmates; they are an impressive group of individuals and I am sure most of them will be very successful in their future endeavors. While they were in class, I got to visit with an old friend from grad school, Mark Witschi. Also on the docket that weekend was for Emily to run the Nike Women's half marathon. Personally, I don't know how she could manage running two half marathons in back to back weekends, seeing as how I was still sore from the Portland half marathon the previous weekend. The race was sponsored by Tiffany's, so she received a Tiffany's necklace at the finish line....I think that is the REAL reason why she signed up for this race. :)

Em and her classmate Alice at the race
(Alice was also kind enough to host us for the weekend - much thanks for the amazing place to stay downtown)

Em must have been relaxed during the run, because I found this pic on her phone - she took it during the race

another pic from the race - rounding the last bend toward the finish on the beach
Em at the finish - staying warm in her space blanket
On Sunday, we met up with Renee, Danny, and the girls. I have been getting a little jealous of all the time Em gets to spend with Naomi and Nina....they are awesome kids. Naomi has just started at a Mandarin immersion school, and she was quizzing me on my Chinese. I was amazed at how much she has learned already; it looks like I need to start studying my Rosetta Stone program more aggressively so I can keep up with her!

Naomi and Nina styling Em's hair

Nina plays until she falls asleep....kinda reminds me of myself as a kid:
a pic from the archives - when I was 3, I used to play until I fell asleep...wherever that may be - this time on my turtle sandbox
We'll be driving in the car and Nina will randomly say to me, "I miss Em-ee-lee."
Dillon has the same turtle sandbox. Come hang at the beach sometime!
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