Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Extreme Sports

This summer, we decided to get a little more adventurous with our outdoor activities. Along with the Kerns, we rented some quads to ride in the Tillamook Forest. They have over 200 miles of trails, so we did our best not to get lost in the woods.

looking my best with helmet hair and body armor :)

Em getting technical on some rough trails

we rode to the top of a mountain and had a panoramic view of Tillamook Forest

The next weekend, Emily scored some free tickets through her work for us to go see the Mtn Dew Tour (an invitational event sort of like the X-games). As we drove through the parking lot, I caught a glimpse of Olympic Gold Medalist Shaun White hanging out at a makeshift trailer. Unfortunately I could not get my camera ready fast enough to get a pic of Shaun.
My favorite events were the dirt and street bike events:

I only wish I could do a double tail whip off a jump this big!!

we had suite tickets for the indoor events....sweet!

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