With Jas passing away, the house felt really quiet and lonely. She made our house feel like home and truly created a void that was felt after she passed away. We wanted to fill that void and discussed the potential of getting another cat. We have always wanted Bengals (a cross of a domestic cat and the Asian Leopard Cat) and had also decided that if we were to get another cat that we would get a pair of siblings because then they'd have someone to play with. With Jas, we never could get her a play buddy because of her FIV.
We found a breeder in Washington who pretty much had the ideal match for what we were looking for. She had 2 kittens (sisters), one was rosetted and one was marbled. You'll see the difference in the coloring in the following pictures. We wanted one of each coloring to show the beauty of the Bengal breed.
The following 2 pictures were of our kittens at 4 weeks old. The top picture is of our rosetted kitten (markings similar to a leopard) and the bottom one is the marbled. It's interesting to see the transformation of the coloring to what they look like now.

They acclimated in our household pretty quickly - all it took were some standard cat toys! We have never had a cat in the kitten stage before, so it's fun to watch all the energy they have. With that energy, they also wear themselves out really quickly. It's hard to catch a picture of them when they're up since they're running around. We'll post some video soon of them playing. But in the mean time, you can enjoy some pictures of them sleeping. BTW - we named the marbled one Rolo for the caramel and chocolate candy she somewhat resembles. We haven't thought of a name for the rosetted one yet, so if you think of something, please post a comment and let us know!
It's nice that they have both the playful and lap cat side in both of them. With siblings, they also enjoy cuddling with each other when they sleep.
Play time!
And sleep time again :)
adorable adorable kitties... must squeeze!
rolos are bomb.
Aww, I love Bengals! They were our second breed choice after our little guys.
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