Prior to picking me up from Mill Valley, CA, Stacy and Brad visited Jon at Google for some breakfast. They have free meals as a perk for their employees and family! We headed over to Google again for a light dinner early evening, and Jon gave us a tour of the campus. In this pic, he is wearing a Noogler hat indicating that he is a new employee to Google (he just finished his first week there!)

Another fun bonus they have on the Google campus are the bikes that people can ride as they travel from one building to another or in our case, to get around faster as we toured the campus. Here's a pic of Brad on one of the bikes for the shorter people.

Jon and Stacy have a cute Pomeranian named Angel. After the Google tour, we headed back to Jon and Stacy's apartment complex and watched as Angel ran after all the runners who came by.

Of course, Brad and I couldn't visit Naomi and Nina (Renee and Danny's two daughters) without bringing them some toys! We bought Naomi a Lite Brite...a little blast from the past. I remember playing with these when I was her age.

Nina was a cutie! I love this pic of her riding the inflatable purple donkey. It was adorable watching her ride this little animal toy.

Danny set up a bouncy room for Naomi to play in while we were just chilling on Sunday. It looked so comfortable that I decided to hop in it too.

What's a trip without a good meal? Renee introduced us to San Tung...a great restaurant in San Fran. We had some of the best wings we've ever had!
Hopefully we'll get another chance to travel to San Francisco! Thanks Renee, Danny and fam / Jon and Stacy for hosting us!
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