Here's our beast of a truck (26') + trailer (and Chris, Em's brother, who volunteered to make the cross country journey with me in her abscence). I figured if the truck breaks down, we can take the car. If the car breaks down, we can take the bikes (see pic - on top of the car). If the bikes break down, then I guess it will be a long walk.
Ummmm.....not exactly sure what this was. I guess it passes for a museum in Nebraska. Seriously, I am gonna look funny at anyone I meet in the future who tells me they are either from Nebraska, are going to Nebraska, or would like to go to Nebraska. I seriously hate that state and you'll soon see why.....
Here is my view for approximately 12 hours. Gotta love Nebraska.
Chris shows off our new homestead.
Actually these pics are from a ghost town located in....anyone? anyone? ....oooohh, you are not correct when you said Nebraska....but close.....the correct answer we were looking for is Wyoming. Sorry, no points this time. This is something you can find on Google when you are bored in a truck for 2 days driving across the country on I-80.
After a few weeks trying to maitain the homestead, we were threatened by starvation, lack of firewood, and little Timmy had come down with a bad case of small pox. We decided to try our luck further west. So we packed up our limited belongings and continued our journey.
So we continued along the Oregon trail......
We continued on into Wyoming.
The Union Station in Cheyenne, WY is a majestic two-tone stone building that was very reminescent of the Union Station in STL where Em and I wed just a little over a year ago.
More random stuff in WY:
OK, this is not one of the pyramids, but we are definitely in BFE. Somewhere near Laramie, WY, someone decided it would be a good idea to build a monument (Ames monument) to the railroads. Since then, the railroading town has dried up, and all that is left is this monument out in the middle of nowhere. I think it is around 60' tall. Chris found this when looking on the satellite view of Google maps. It stands out in the satellite pics b/c it is surrounded by miles of dirt. We ended up driving on dirt roads for a few miles just to get to it. Luckily, we had a GPS. As we drove further off-road, I was getting a little paranoid about a vehicle breakdown/flat tire. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that Penske would not be happy if I told them their truck broke down while off-roading (while pulling a trailer). I guess I still have a little Ohio blood in me.
Here's a pic of the Ames monument as the sun is setting.
***Gotta give a quick shoutout to Charles and Heidi for letting us crash at their pad in Laramie. I slept much better on their couch than I did the previous night curled up in the cab of the rental truck.***
"Sometimes the journey can be just as rewarding as the destination."*
*(This quote does not apply.)
....and then Em flew out to meet us (had to put in a dig since she got out of, er, I mean missed out on, this adventure).
much love,
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