Monday, October 27, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Mt. St. Helens
A cool bridge on the way to Mt. St. Helens.
However, as we approached Mt. St. Helens, we were a little disappointed to see that it was buried in clouds (although it was beautiful in its own right). The clouds give some perspective of the magnitude of this great mountain. When we arrived at the observatory, we were unpleasantly surprised by a mandatory $8 just to look at the mountain. So we left, drove down the road a few miles, and decided to pull over to the side of the road to view it for ourselves (for free)......and yes, I will always be a cheap grad student at heart.
It was still very cloudy, but patience is a virtue, so we waited it out for the sun to burn off some clouds.
...and it was definitely worth the wait (as you can see from the pic). Note the low lying clouds. It is still hard for me to fathom the force required to blow the top off of this mountain. The power of nature is truly incredible. Pics pre-1980 show that the slope of the mountain continues upwards to a sharp peak, so you can only imagine how much debris was created when it exploded.
-much love,
Sunday, October 19, 2008
A Weekend of Sushi and Apples!
Saturday morning, we met up with Tom and Alana. Funny story...Alana is also from the St. Louis area, and Tom and Alana met at Northwestern University while he was getting his PhD there and then they moved to Portland (and just got married in April!). Sounds oddly similar to our story...
Anyways, we all met up at an apple and pear festival. They had over 60 varieties of apples and pears to try out. I didn't realize there were soo many apples. But it was good! We definitely came home with about 10 lbs. worth of apples and pears ;)
Afterwards, we wandered around the Nob Hill neighborhood. What a great area...there was a lot of unique shopping and boutiques along with some fabulous restaurants.
Sunday morning, we went to the Portland Rock Gym to learn how to rock climb and belay each other. Another hobby for us to get into together!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Chicago to Portland in 52 hours
Here's our beast of a truck (26') + trailer (and Chris, Em's brother, who volunteered to make the cross country journey with me in her abscence). I figured if the truck breaks down, we can take the car. If the car breaks down, we can take the bikes (see pic - on top of the car). If the bikes break down, then I guess it will be a long walk.
Ummmm.....not exactly sure what this was. I guess it passes for a museum in Nebraska. Seriously, I am gonna look funny at anyone I meet in the future who tells me they are either from Nebraska, are going to Nebraska, or would like to go to Nebraska. I seriously hate that state and you'll soon see why.....
Here is my view for approximately 12 hours. Gotta love Nebraska.
The first 2 weeks in Oregon
We have been very lucky and thankful that Kristina and Matt are out here. They fed us numerous times (which meant we didn't have to go grocery shopping for over a week!) and housed Chris and Brad when they first arrived in Portland. And they have showed us around the city, informed us of where the good asian grocery stores are, and explained the importance of happy hour in this city. on to some fun pictures! Our first weekend in Oregon, we decided to head to the Oregon coast with Kristina and Matt. It's only about 1.5 hours away from Portland. We first went to Tillamook where we visited the Tillamook Cheese factory and the Blue Heron French Cheese shop (yum!).
If you're wondering - YES...those are huge hunks of cheese - soon to be cheese curds!
So I was asking Brad to take a scenic shot of the mountains with me in it and this sheep hopped into the picture. Hehe jk. This was taken outside of the Blue Heron Cheese shop - they had animals and farm equipment!
After Tillamook, we headed North towards Astoria. Along the way, we had to stop to get a few scenic shots of the Oregon coast.
Here are some fishermen out on the bay - we LOVE that there's fresh seafood out here. really is that gorgeous.
The beaches on the coast are expansive - MUCH longer and wider than Lake Michigan's beaches in Chicago ;)
Ecola or E. Coli? Well either way, their clams, halibut, scallops, and shrimp were really good. This was in Cannon Beach, OR (a very touristy town).
Also in the town, we came across a candy shop where they hand make all of their taffy. This was the freshest taffy I've ever had.
We had originally planned on visiting more in Astoria, but we ended up driving across the Astoria-Megler bridge into Washington state. This bridge was 4.1 miles long and all over the Columbia river. We saw signs for a bridge running race for the next morning - if only I had known...I would have loved to make this my first race in Oregon/Washington. AND after the race, they had a chowder feed for all race participants! What could be better than chowder and running??? Oh well...maybe next year.
So we brought along Zoe, Matt and Kristina's fairly new puppy (french bulldog and pug mix). She was exhausted after all her running around on the beach. I couldn't help it - I had to post this picture on the blog!
Here is a view of the Pacific Ocean in Washington state - the entire Pacific Northwest is just so lush!
While we were in Washington state, we found a lighthouse, so we made a quick pitstop to check it out.
So I guess tsunami's are kind of a big deal out on the coast - we kept seeing this sign everywhere! Brad and I decided to do a tsunami drill to make sure we'd stay safe.
Here we are at the end of our journey on the Oregon/Washington coast. Needless to say, we were a bit disappointed.