We finally got our parents to make the trip out west to visit us in Portland. Thanks so much to my sister Karen for giving them her frequent flyer miles as a gift....which they used to come see us. They stopped along the way in Denver and spent a few days with my Aunt Rochelle and Uncle Lee, as well as visiting Dave and family.
Unfortunately the rainy season has started here and most of the amazing things to do in Portland require being outdoors. Oh well, we decided to tough it out and hit up some outdoor activities anyways. I have kinda gotten used to the rain so it is not a big deal anymore. Usually it is a light drizzle.....however this weekend, we had some really heavy downpours. My parents were troopers and stuck it out in the rain to make the most of their trip. We'll just have to get them out here again in the summer, when it is nice weather.
We picked them up on Friday and immediately headed to our favorite Chinese Seafood restaurant, OM's, to show them some amazing local seafood. The next morning, we headed downtown to the Farmer's Market. Dad had a good time conversing with some of the local farmers......while Mom, Em, and I made our way around the tents to sample all the local delicacies.
Next, we made the 30 minute scenic drive out to the Columbia Gorge. It was overcast, so we did not get many good pics of the gorge. Too bad, because it alone is enough to make you want to live here....with picturesque views of the river cutting through the mountains. The one good thing about the heavy rain that day is that the waterfalls were gushing the best I have seen in my year out here. There were a few new ones alongside the road, that are normally too small to notice.
We visited the International Rose Test Garden, which is home to thousands of new varieties in a multitude of colors, sizes, and shapes. I am almost embarrassed that we have been here for a year and had not visited this place yet. We'll definitely come back in the summer when in full bloom and post more pics....
Our last day of visiting with the parents took us to the Pittock Mansion and the Japanese Garden...both just 5 min drive from downtown Portland. Both locations proved to provide extra beauty with the trees changing color for the fall.
Portland has just the right mix of deciduous and evergreen trees such that you get the variety of colors in fall, yet there is still sufficient greenery in winter such that it does not look dead and barren.
Portland Japanese Garden
(ranked 1st out of 300 public Japanese gardens outside of Japan):

After the sun went down, we treated my Mom to a spa/massage/facial/footsoak for a belated Mother's Day gift (Emily somehow weaseled me into letting her get this treatment too....oh hon, always finding some way to get to the spa). Meanwhile, Dad and I went to do man stuff. First we went to a drum shop, where my Dad found a good deal on a new cymbal for his drumset. Next, we went to some car dealers to look at cars and trucks....just for fun....although I think this did plant some seeds in my head, because I am picking up a (used) Toyota 4Runner tomorrow. Gotta have 4 wheel drive to get us up the mountain on the heavy snow days...when the riding is good! :)
We capped off their visit by having a nice dinner downtown at a local favorite restaurant that features Contemporary American cuisine. One of my favorite dishes is their little Kahlua burger (Kobe beef, pineapple, canadian bacon)....so good I had to get 2 (hey, they're sliders afterall so one is not intended to be a full meal).

After getting home each night, my parents got absolutely hooked on Wii bowling. Dad set the high score on the game and was bowling at a "pro" level. Mom kept playing after the rest of us had wore out (well past midnight each night). Ah, good to see they are still young at heart and love to play games.
We had a great weekend with them here....and will demand that they visit again in the summer when it won't be raining. I have a feeling that their visits will increase in frequency once we have some little ones..... ;)